from builtins import zip
import numpy as np
from .baseStacker import BaseStacker
from .coordStackers import raDec2AltAz
__all__ = ['findTelescopes', 'NFollowStacker']
[docs]def findTelescopes(minSize=3.):
"""Finds telescopes larger than minSize, from list of large telescopes based on
Array of large telescopes with columns [aperture, name, lat, lon].
# Aperture Name Location
telescopes = [
[10.4, 'Gran Canarias', 'La Palma'],
[10.0, 'Keck', 'Mauna Kea'],
[10.0, 'Keck II', 'Mauna Kea'],
[9.2, 'SALT', 'South African Astronomical Observatory'],
[9.2, 'Hobby-Eberly', 'Mt. Fowlkes'],
[8.4, 'Large Binocular Telescope', 'Mt. Graham'],
[8.3, 'Subaru', 'Mauna Kea'],
[8.2, 'Antu', 'Cerro Paranal'],
[8.2, 'Kueyen', 'Cerro Paranal'],
[8.2, 'Melipal', 'Cerro Paranal'],
[8.2, 'Yepun', 'Cerro Paranal'],
[8.1, 'Gemini North', 'Mauna Kea'],
[8.1, 'Gemini South', 'Cerro Pachon'],
[6.5, 'MMT', 'Mt. Hopkins'],
[6.5, 'Walter Baade', 'La Serena'],
[6.5, 'Landon Clay', 'La Serena'],
[6.0, 'Bolshoi Teleskop Azimutalnyi', 'Nizhny Arkhyz'],
[6.0, 'LZT', 'British Columbia'],
[5.0, 'Hale', 'Palomar Mountain'],
[4.3, 'Dicovery Channel', 'Lowell Observatory'],
[4.2, 'William Herschel', 'La Palma'],
[4.2, 'SOAR', 'Cerro Pachon'],
[4.2, 'LAMOST', 'Xinglong Station'],
[4.0, 'Victor Blanco', 'Cerro Tololo'],
[4.0, 'Vista', 'Cerro Paranal'],
[3.9, 'Anglo-Australian', 'Coonabarabran'],
[3.8, 'Mayall', 'Kitt Peak'],
[3.8, 'UKIRT', 'Mauna Kea'],
[3.6, '360', 'Cerro La Silla'],
[3.6, 'Canada-France-Hawaii', 'Mauna Kea'],
[3.6, 'Telescopio Nazionale Galileo', 'La Palma'],
[3.5, 'MPI-CAHA', 'Calar Alto'],
[3.5, 'New Technology', 'Cerro La Silla'],
[3.5, 'ARC', 'Apache Point'],
[3.5, 'WIYN', 'Kitt Peak'],
[3.0, 'Shane', 'Mount Hamilton'],
[3.0, 'NASA IRTF', 'Mauna Kea'],
scopes = np.zeros(len(telescopes), dtype = list(zip(
['aperture', 'name', 'lat', 'lon'], [float, (np.str, 38), float, float])))
# name, lat (S negative), lon (W negative)
observatories = [
['Cerro Paranal', -24, 38, -70, 24],
['Nizhny Arkhyz', 43, 39, 41, 26],
['Cerro La Silla', -29, 15, -70, 44],
['Lowell Observatory', 35, 12, -111, 40],
['Apache Point', 32, 47, -105, 49],
['Mount Hamilton', 37, 21, -121, 38],
['South African Astronomical Observatory', -32, 23, 20, 49],
['Cerro Pachon', -30, 20, -70, 59],
['Coonabarabran', -31, 17, 149, 0o4],
['Mt. Fowlkes', 30, 40, -104, 1],
['La Palma', 28, 46, -17, 53],
['Mt. Graham', 32, 42, -109, 53],
['Calar Alto', 37, 13, -2, 33],
['British Columbia', 49, 17, -122, 34],
['Kitt Peak', 31, 57, -111, 37],
['La Serena', -30, 10, -70, 48],
['Palomar Mountain', 33, 21, -116, 52],
['Xinglong Station', 40, 23, 105, 50],
['Mt. Hopkins', 31, 41, -110, 53],
['Cerro Tololo', -30, 10, -70, 49],
['Mauna Kea', 19, 50, -155, 28]
# Make a nice little dict to look up the observatory positions
obs = {}
for i, ob in enumerate(observatories):
obs[ob[0]] = [(np.abs(ob[1])+ob[2]/60.)*(ob[1]/np.abs(ob[1])),
for i, telescope in enumerate(telescopes):
scopes['aperture'][i] = telescope[0]
scopes['name'][i] = telescope[1]
scopes['lat'][i], scopes['lon'][i] = obs[telescope[2]]
scopes = scopes[np.where(scopes['aperture'] >= minSize)]
return scopes
[docs]class NFollowStacker(BaseStacker):
"""Add the number of telescopes ('nObservatories') that could follow up any visit
at (any of the) times in timeStep, specifying the minimum telescope size (in meters) and airmass limit.
minSize: float, opt
The minimum telescope aperture to use, in meters. Default 3.0.
airmassLimit: float, opt
The maximum airmass allowable at the follow-up observatory. Default 2.5.
timeSteps: np.array or list of floats, opt
The timesteps to check for followup opportunities, in hours. Default is np.arange(0.5, 12., 3.0).
mjdCol: str, opt
The exposure MJD column name. Default 'observationStartMJD'.
raCol: str, opt
The RA column name. Default 'fieldRA'.
decCol: str, opt
The Dec column name. Default 'fieldDec'.
raDecDeg: bool, opt
Flag whether RA/Dec are in degrees (True) or radians (False).
colsAdded = ['nObservatories']
def __init__(self, minSize=3.0, airmassLimit=2.5, timeSteps=np.arange(0.5, 12., 3.0),
mjdCol='observationStartMJD', raCol='fieldRA', decCol='fieldDec', degrees=True):
self.mjdCol = mjdCol
self.raCol = raCol
self.decCol = decCol
self.degrees = degrees
self.colsAddedDtypes = [int]
self.colsReq = [self.mjdCol, self.raCol, self.decCol]
self.units = ['#']
self.airmassLimit = airmassLimit
self.timeSteps = timeSteps
self.telescopes = findTelescopes(minSize = minSize)
def _run(self, simData, cols_present=False):
if cols_present:
return simData
if self.degrees:
ra = np.radians(simData[self.raCol])
dec = np.radians(simData[self.decCol])
ra = simData[self.raCol]
dec = simData[self.decCol]
for obs in self.telescopes:
obsGotIt = np.zeros(len(simData[self.raCol]), int)
obsLon = np.radians(obs['lon'])
obsLat = np.radians(obs['lat'])
for step in self.timeSteps:
alt, az = raDec2AltAz(ra, dec, obsLon, obsLat,
simData[self.mjdCol] + step / 24.0,
airmass = 1. / (np.cos(np.pi / 2. - alt))
followed = np.where((airmass <= self.airmassLimit) & (airmass >= 1.))
# If the observatory got an observation, save this into obsGotIt.
# obsGotIt will be 1 if ANY of the times got an observation.
obsGotIt[followed] = 1
# If an observatory got an observation, count it in nObservatories.
simData['nObservatories'] += obsGotIt
return simData