Available metrics

Core LSST MAF metrics

Contributed mafContrib metrics

  • AngularSpreadMetric
    Compute the angular spread statistic which measures uniformity of a distribution angles accounting for 2pi periodicity.
  • CampaignLengthMetric
    The campaign length, in seasons.
  • GRBTransientMetric
    Detections for on-axis GRB afterglows decaying as
  • GalaxyCountsMetric
    Estimate the number of galaxies expected at a particular coadded depth.
  • MeanNightSeparationMetric
    The mean separation between nights within a season, and then the mean over the campaign.
  • NumObsMetric
    Calculate the number of observations per data slice.
  • PeriodDeviationMetric
    Measure the percentage deviation of recovered periods for pure sine wave variability (in magnitude).
  • PeriodicMetric
    From a set of observation times, uses code provided by Robert Siverd (LCOGT) to calculate the spectral window function.
  • PeriodicStarMetric
    At each slicePoint, run a Monte Carlo simulation to see how well a periodic source can be fit.
  • RelRmsMetric
    Relative scatter metric (RMS over median).
  • SEDSNMetric
    Computes the S/Ns for a given SED.
  • SNMetric
    Calculate the signal to noise metric in a given filter for an object of a given magnitude.
  • SeasonLengthMetric
    The mean season length, in months.
  • StarCountMassMetric
    Find the number of stars in a given field in the mass range fainter than magnitude 16 and bright enough to have noise less than 0.03 in a given band. M1 and M2 are the upper and lower limits of the mass range. ‘band’ is the band to be observed.
  • StarCountMetric
    Find the number of stars in a given field between D1 and D2 in parsecs.
  • TdcMetric
    Combine campaign length, season length, and mean night speartion into a single metric.
  • ThreshSEDSNMetric
    Computes the metric whether the S/N is bigger than the threshold in all the bands for a given SED
  • TransientAsciiMetric
    Based on the transientMetric, but uses an ascii input file and provides option to write out lightcurve.
  • TripletBandMetric
    Find the number of ‘triplets’ of three images taken in the same band, based on user-selected minimum and maximum intervals (in hours),
  • TripletMetric
    Find the number of ‘triplets’ of three images taken in any band, based on user-selected minimum and maximum intervals (in hours),