import numpy as np
from .baseStacker import BaseStacker
import warnings
__all__ = ['BaseMoStacker', 'MoMagStacker', 'EclStacker']
[docs]class BaseMoStacker(BaseStacker):
"""Base class for moving object (SSobject) stackers. Relevant for MoSlicer ssObs (pd.dataframe).
Provided to add moving-object specific API for 'run' method of moving object stackers."""
[docs] def run(self, ssoObs, Href, Hval=None):
# Redefine this here, as the API does not match BaseStacker.
if Hval is None:
Hval = Href
if len(ssoObs) == 0:
return ssoObs
# Add the columns.
with warnings.catch_warnings():
ssoObs, cols_present = self._addStackerCols(ssoObs)
# Here we don't really care about cols_present, because almost every time we will be readding
# columns anymore (for different H values).
return self._run(ssoObs, Href, Hval)
[docs]class MoMagStacker(BaseMoStacker):
"""Add columns relevant to SSobject apparent magnitudes and visibility to the slicer ssoObs
dataframe, given a particular Href and current Hval.
Specifically, this stacker adds magLimit, appMag, SNR, and vis.
magLimit indicates the appropriate limiting magnitude to consider for a particular object in a particular
observation, when combined with the losses due to detection (dmagDetect) or trailing (dmagTrail).
appMag adds the apparent magnitude in the filter of the current object, at the current Hval.
SNR adds the SNR of this object, given the magLimit.
vis adds a flag (0/1) indicating whether an object was visible (assuming a 5sigma threshhold including
some probabilistic determination of visibility).
magFilterCol : str, opt
Name of the column describing the magnitude of the object, in the visit filter. Default magFilter.
m5Col : str, opt
Name of the column describing the 5 sigma depth of each visit. Default fiveSigmaDepth.
lossCol : str, opt
Name of the column describing the magnitude losses,
due to trailing (dmagTrail) or detection (dmagDetect). Default dmagDetect.
gamma : float, opt
The 'gamma' value for calculating SNR. Default 0.038.
LSST range under normal conditions is about 0.037 to 0.039.
sigma : float, opt
The 'sigma' value for probabilistic prediction of whether or not an object is visible at 5sigma.
Default 0.12.
The probabilistic prediction of visibility is based on Fermi-Dirac completeness formula (see SDSS,
eqn 24, Stripe82 analysis:
colsAdded = ['appMagV', 'appMag', 'SNR', 'vis']
def __init__(self, vMagCol='magV', colorCol='dmagColor', magFilterCol='magFilter',
lossCol='dmagDetect', m5Col='fiveSigmaDepth', gamma=0.038, sigma=0.12):
self.vMagCol = vMagCol
self.colorCol = colorCol
self.magFilterCol = magFilterCol
self.m5Col = m5Col
self.lossCol = lossCol
self.gamma = gamma
self.sigma = sigma
self.colsReq = [self.magFilterCol, self.m5Col, self.lossCol]
self.units = ['mag', 'mag', 'SNR', '']
def _run(self, ssoObs, Href, Hval):
ssoObs['appMagV'] = ssoObs[self.vMagCol] + Hval - Href + ssoObs[self.lossCol]
ssoObs['appMag'] = ssoObs[self.magFilterCol] + Hval - Href + ssoObs[self.lossCol]
xval = np.power(10, 0.5 * (ssoObs['appMag'] - ssoObs[self.m5Col]))
ssoObs['SNR'] = 1.0 / np.sqrt((0.04 - self.gamma) * xval + self.gamma * xval * xval)
completeness = 1.0 / (1 + np.exp((ssoObs['appMag'] - ssoObs[self.m5Col])/self.sigma))
probability = np.random.random_sample(len(ssoObs['appMag']))
ssoObs['vis'] = np.where(probability <= completeness, 1, 0)
return ssoObs
[docs]class EclStacker(BaseMoStacker):
Add ecliptic latitude/longitude (ecLat/ecLon) to the slicer ssoObs (in degrees).
raCol : str, opt
Name of the RA column to convert to ecliptic lat/long. Default 'ra'.
decCol : str, opt
Name of the Dec column to convert to ecliptic lat/long. Default 'dec'.
inDeg : bool, opt
Flag indicating whether RA/Dec are in degrees. Default True.
colsAdded = ['ecLat', 'ecLon']
def __init__(self, raCol='ra', decCol='dec', inDeg=True):
self.raCol = raCol
self.decCol = decCol
self.inDeg = inDeg
self.colsReq = [self.raCol, self.decCol]
self.units = ['deg', 'deg']
self.ecnode = 0.0
self.ecinc = np.radians(23.439291)
def _run(self, ssoObs, Href, Hval):
ra = ssoObs[self.raCol]
dec = ssoObs[self.decCol]
if self.inDeg:
ra = np.radians(ra)
dec = np.radians(dec)
x = np.cos(ra) * np.cos(dec)
y = np.sin(ra) * np.cos(dec)
z = np.sin(dec)
xp = x
yp = np.cos(self.ecinc)*y + np.sin(self.ecinc)*z
zp = -np.sin(self.ecinc)*y + np.cos(self.ecinc)*z
ssoObs['ecLat'] = np.degrees(np.arcsin(zp))
ssoObs['ecLon'] = np.degrees(np.arctan2(yp, xp))
ssoObs['ecLon'] = ssoObs['ecLon'] % 360
return ssoObs