Source code for lsst.sims.maf.metrics.summaryMetrics

import numpy as np
import healpy as hp
from .baseMetric import BaseMetric

# A collection of metrics which are primarily intended to be used as summary statistics.

__all__ = ['fOArea', 'fONv', 'TableFractionMetric', 'IdentityMetric',
           'NormalizeMetric', 'ZeropointMetric', 'TotalPowerMetric']

[docs]class fONv(BaseMetric): """ Metrics based on a specified area, but returning NVISITS related to area: given Asky, what is the minimum and median number of visits obtained over that much area? (choose the portion of the sky with the highest number of visits first). Parameters ---------- col : str or list of strs, opt Name of the column in the numpy recarray passed to the summary metric. Asky : float, opt Area of the sky to base the evaluation of number of visits over. Default 18,0000 sq deg. nside : int, opt Nside parameter from healpix slicer, used to set the physical relationship between on-sky area and number of healpixels. Default 128. Nvisit : int, opt Number of visits to use as the benchmark value, if choosing to return a normalized Nvisit value. norm : boolean, opt Normalize the returned "nvisit" (min / median) values by Nvisit, if true. Default False. metricName : str, opt Name of the summary metric. Default fONv. """ def __init__(self, col='metricdata', Asky=18000., nside=128, Nvisit=825, norm=False, metricName='fONv', **kwargs): """Asky = square degrees """ super().__init__(col=col, metricName=metricName, **kwargs) self.Nvisit = Nvisit self.nside = nside # Determine how many healpixels are included in Asky sq deg. self.Asky = Asky self.scale = hp.nside2pixarea(self.nside, degrees=True) self.npix_Asky = / self.scale)) self.norm = norm
[docs] def run(self, dataSlice, slicePoint=None): if len(dataSlice) < self.npix_Asky: return self.badval name = dataSlice.dtype.names[0] nvis_sorted = np.sort(dataSlice[name]) # Find the Asky's worth of healpixels with the largest # of visits. nvis_Asky = nvis_sorted[-self.npix_Asky:] result = np.empty(2, dtype=[('name', np.str_, 20), ('value', float)]) result['name'][0] = "MedianNvis" result['value'][0] = np.median(nvis_Asky) result['name'][1] = "MinNvis" result['value'][1] = np.min(nvis_Asky) if self.norm: result['value'] /= float(self.Nvisit) return result
[docs]class fOArea(BaseMetric): """ Metrics based on a specified number of visits, but returning AREA related to Nvisits: given Nvisit, what amount of sky is covered with at least that many visits? Parameters ---------- col : str or list of strs, opt Name of the column in the numpy recarray passed to the summary metric. Nvisit : int, opt Number of visits to use as the minimum required -- metric calculated area that has this many visits. Default 825. Asky : float, opt Area to use as the benchmark value, if choosing to returned a normalized Area value. Default 18,0000 sq deg. nside : int, opt Nside parameter from healpix slicer, used to set the physical relationship between on-sky area and number of healpixels. Default 128. norm : boolean, opt Normalize the returned "area" (area with minimum Nvisit visits) value by Asky, if true. Default False. metricName : str, opt Name of the summary metric. Default fOArea. """ def __init__(self, col='metricdata', Nvisit=825, Asky = 18000.0, nside=128, norm=False, metricName='fOArea', **kwargs): """Asky = square degrees """ super().__init__(col=col, metricName=metricName, **kwargs) self.Nvisit = Nvisit self.nside = nside self.Asky = Asky self.scale = hp.nside2pixarea(self.nside, degrees=True) self.norm = norm
[docs] def run(self, dataSlice, slicePoint=None): name = dataSlice.dtype.names[0] nvis_sorted = np.sort(dataSlice[name]) # Identify the healpixels with more than Nvisits. nvis_min = nvis_sorted[np.where(nvis_sorted >= self.Nvisit)] if len(nvis_min) == 0: result = self.badval else: result = nvis_min.size * self.scale if self.norm: result /= float(self.Asky) return result
[docs]class TableFractionMetric(BaseMetric): """ Count the completeness (for many fields) and summarize how many fields have given completeness levels (within a series of bins). Works with completenessMetric only. This metric is meant to be used as a summary statistic on something like the completeness metric. The output is DIFFERENT FROM SSTAR and is: element matching values 0 0 == P 1 0 < P < .1 2 .1 <= P < .2 3 .2 <= P < .3 ... 10 .9 <= P < 1 11 1 == P 12 1 < P Note the 1st and last elements do NOT obey the numpy histogram conventions. """ def __init__(self, col='metricdata', nbins=10): """ colname = the column name in the metric data (i.e. 'metricdata' usually). nbins = number of bins between 0 and 1. Should divide evenly into 100. """ super(TableFractionMetric, self).__init__(col=col, metricDtype='float') self.nbins = nbins # set this so runSliceMetric knows masked values should be set to zero and passed self.maskVal = 0.
[docs] def run(self, dataSlice, slicePoint=None): # Calculate histogram of completeness values that fall between 0-1. goodVals = np.where((dataSlice[self.colname] > 0) & (dataSlice[self.colname] < 1) ) bins = np.arange(self.nbins+1.)/self.nbins hist, b = np.histogram(dataSlice[self.colname][goodVals], bins=bins) # Fill in values for exact 0, exact 1 and >1. zero = np.size(np.where(dataSlice[self.colname] == 0)[0]) one = np.size(np.where(dataSlice[self.colname] == 1)[0]) overone = np.size(np.where(dataSlice[self.colname] > 1)[0]) hist = np.concatenate((np.array([zero]), hist, np.array([one]), np.array([overone]))) # Create labels for each value binNames = ['0 == P'] binNames.append('0 < P < 0.1') for i in np.arange(1, self.nbins): binNames.append('%.2g <= P < %.2g'%(b[i], b[i+1]) ) binNames.append('1 == P') binNames.append('1 < P') # Package the names and values up result = np.empty(hist.size, dtype=[('name', np.str_, 20), ('value', float)]) result['name'] = binNames result['value'] = hist return result
[docs]class IdentityMetric(BaseMetric): """ Return the metric value itself .. this is primarily useful as a summary statistic for UniSlicer metrics. """
[docs] def run(self, dataSlice, slicePoint=None): if len(dataSlice[self.colname]) == 1: result = dataSlice[self.colname][0] else: result = dataSlice[self.colname] return result
[docs]class NormalizeMetric(BaseMetric): """ Return a metric values divided by 'normVal'. Useful for turning summary statistics into fractions. """ def __init__(self, col='metricdata', normVal=1, **kwargs): super(NormalizeMetric, self).__init__(col=col, **kwargs) self.normVal = float(normVal)
[docs] def run(self, dataSlice, slicePoint=None): result = dataSlice[self.colname]/self.normVal if len(result) == 1: return result[0] else: return result
[docs]class ZeropointMetric(BaseMetric): """ Return a metric values with the addition of 'zp'. Useful for altering the zeropoint for summary statistics. """ def __init__(self, col='metricdata', zp=0, **kwargs): super(ZeropointMetric, self).__init__(col=col, **kwargs) self.zp = zp
[docs] def run(self, dataSlice, slicePoint=None): result = dataSlice[self.colname] + self.zp if len(result) == 1: return result[0] else: return result
[docs]class TotalPowerMetric(BaseMetric): """ Calculate the total power in the angular power spectrum between lmin/lmax. """ def __init__(self, col='metricdata', lmin=100., lmax=300., removeDipole=True, **kwargs): self.lmin = lmin self.lmax = lmax self.removeDipole = removeDipole super(TotalPowerMetric, self).__init__(col=col, **kwargs) self.maskVal = hp.UNSEEN
[docs] def run(self, dataSlice, slicePoint=None): # Calculate the power spectrum. if self.removeDipole: cl = hp.anafast(hp.remove_dipole(dataSlice[self.colname], verbose=False)) else: cl = hp.anafast(dataSlice[self.colname]) ell = np.arange(np.size(cl)) condition = np.where((ell <= self.lmax) & (ell >= self.lmin))[0] totalpower = np.sum(cl[condition]*(2*ell[condition]+1)) return totalpower