Source code for lsst.sims.maf.metrics.exgalM5

from .baseMetric import BaseMetric
from .simpleMetrics import Coaddm5Metric
from lsst.sims.photUtils import Sed

__all__ = ['ExgalM5']

[docs]class ExgalM5(BaseMetric): """ Calculate co-added five-sigma limiting depth after dust extinction. Uses photUtils """ def __init__(self, m5Col='fiveSigmaDepth', units='mag', maps=['DustMap'], lsstFilter='r', wavelen_min=None , wavelen_max=None , wavelen_step=1., **kwargs ): """ Args: m5Col (str): Column name that ('fiveSigmaDepth') units (str): units of the metric ('mag') maps (list): List of maps to use with the metric (['DustMap']) lsstFilter (str): Which LSST filter to calculate m5 for wavelen_min (float): Minimum wavength of your filter (None) wavelen_max (float): (None) wavelen_step (float): (1.) **kwargs: """ waveMins={'u':330.,'g':403.,'r':552.,'i':691.,'z':818.,'y':950.} waveMaxes={'u':403.,'g':552.,'r':691.,'i':818.,'z':922.,'y':1070.} if lsstFilter is not None: wavelen_min = waveMins[lsstFilter] wavelen_max = waveMaxes[lsstFilter] self.m5Col = m5Col super(ExgalM5, self).__init__(col=[self.m5Col], maps=maps, units=units, **kwargs) testsed = Sed() testsed.setFlatSED(wavelen_min = wavelen_min, wavelen_max = wavelen_max, wavelen_step = 1) self.a,self.b = testsed.setupCCMab() self.R_v = 3.1 self.Coaddm5Metric = Coaddm5Metric(m5Col=m5Col)
[docs] def run(self, dataSlice, slicePoint=None): """ Compute the co-added m5 depth and then apply extinction to that magnitude. Args: dataSlice (np.array): slicePoint (dict): Returns: float that is the dust atennuated co-added m5-depth. """ m5 = A_x = (self.a[0]+self.b[0]/self.R_v)*(self.R_v*slicePoint['ebv']) result = m5-A_x return result