Source code for lsst.sims.maf.batches.movingObjectsBatch

from __future__ import print_function, division

import numpy as np
import lsst.sims.maf.metrics as metrics
import lsst.sims.maf.slicers as slicers
import lsst.sims.maf.stackers as stackers
import lsst.sims.maf.plots as plots
import lsst.sims.maf.metricBundles as mb
from .colMapDict import ColMapDict
from .common import summaryCompletenessAtTime, summaryCompletenessOverH
import warnings

__all__ = ['setupMoSlicer', 'quickDiscoveryBatch', 'discoveryBatch', 'characterizationBatch']

[docs]def setupMoSlicer(orbitFile, Hrange, obsFile=None): """ Set up the slicer and read orbitFile and obsFile from disk. Parameters ---------- orbitFile : str The file containing the orbit information. Hrange : numpy.ndarray or None The Hrange parameter to pass to slicer.readOrbits obsFile : str, optional The file containing the observations of each object, optional. If not provided (default, None), then the slicer will not be able to 'slice', but can still plot. Returns ------- ~lsst.sims.maf.slicer.MoObjSlicer """ # Read the orbit file and set the H values for the slicer. slicer = slicers.MoObjSlicer() slicer.readOrbits(orbitFile, Hrange=Hrange) if obsFile is not None: slicer.readObs(obsFile) return slicer
[docs]def quickDiscoveryBatch(slicer, colmap=None, runName='opsim', detectionLosses='detection', metadata='', albedo=None, Hmark=None, npReduce=np.mean, times=None, constraint=None): if colmap is None: colmap = ColMapDict('opsimV4') bundleList = [] basicPlotDict = {'albedo': albedo, 'Hmark': Hmark, 'npReduce': npReduce, 'nxbins': 200, 'nybins': 200} plotFuncs = [plots.MetricVsH()] displayDict ={'group': 'Discovery'} if detectionLosses not in ('detection', 'trailing'): raise ValueError('Please choose detection or trailing as options for detectionLosses.') if detectionLosses == 'trailing': magStacker = stackers.MoMagStacker(lossCol='dmagTrail') detectionLosses = ' trailing loss' else: magStacker = stackers.MoMagStacker(lossCol='dmagDetect') detectionLosses = ' detection loss' if times is None: try: timestep = 30 times = np.arange(slicer.obs[colmap['mjd']].min(), slicer.obs[colmap['mjd']].max() + timestep/2, timestep) except AttributeError: raise warnings.warn('Cannot set times for completeness summary metrics. Will set up bundles, ' 'but without summary metrics.') if Hmark is None: Hval = slicer.Hrange.mean() else: Hval = Hmark # Set up the summary metrics. if times is not None: summaryTimeMetrics = summaryCompletenessAtTime(times, Hval=Hval, Hindex=0.33) else: summaryTimeMetrics = None summaryHMetrics = summaryCompletenessOverH(requiredChances=1, Hindex=0.33) # Set up a dictionary to pass to each metric for the column names. colkwargs = {'expMJDCol': colmap['mjd'], 'seeingCol': colmap['seeingGeom'], 'expTimeCol': colmap['exptime'], 'm5Col': colmap['fiveSigmaDepth'], 'nightCol': colmap['night'], 'filterCol': colmap['filter']} def _setup_child_metrics(parentMetric): childMetrics = {} childMetrics['Time'] = metrics.Discovery_TimeMetric(parentMetric, **colkwargs) childMetrics['N_Chances'] = metrics.Discovery_N_ChancesMetric(parentMetric, **colkwargs) # Could expand to add N_chances per year, but not really necessary. return childMetrics def _configure_child_bundles(parentBundle): dispDict = {'group': 'Discovery', 'subgroup': 'Time', 'caption': 'Time of discovery of objects', 'order': 0} parentBundle.childBundles['Time'].setDisplayDict(dispDict) parentBundle.childBundles['Time'].setSummaryMetrics(summaryTimeMetrics) dispDict = {'group': 'Discovery', 'subgroup': 'NChances', 'caption': 'Number of chances for discovery of objects', 'order': 0} parentBundle.childBundles['N_Chances'].setDisplayDict(dispDict) parentBundle.childBundles['N_Chances'].setSummaryMetrics(summaryHMetrics) return # 3 pairs in 15 md = metadata + ' 3 pairs in 15 nights SNR=5' + detectionLosses # Set up plot dict. plotDict = {'title': '%s: %s' % (runName, md)} plotDict.update(basicPlotDict) metric = metrics.DiscoveryMetric(nObsPerNight=2, tMin=0, tMax=90./60./24., nNightsPerWindow=3, tWindow=15, **colkwargs) childMetrics = _setup_child_metrics(metric) bundle = mb.MoMetricBundle(metric, slicer, constraint, stackerList=[magStacker], runName=runName, metadata=md, childMetrics=childMetrics, plotDict=plotDict, plotFuncs=plotFuncs, displayDict=displayDict) _configure_child_bundles(bundle) bundleList.append(bundle) # 3 pairs in 30 md = metadata + ' 3 pairs in 30 nights SNR=5' + detectionLosses plotDict = {'title': '%s: %s' % (runName, md)} plotDict.update(basicPlotDict) metric = metrics.DiscoveryMetric(nObsPerNight=2, tMin=0, tMax=90. / 60. / 24., nNightsPerWindow=3, tWindow=30, snrLimit=5, **colkwargs) childMetrics = _setup_child_metrics(metric) bundle = mb.MoMetricBundle(metric, slicer, constraint, stackerList=[magStacker], runName=runName, metadata=md, childMetrics=childMetrics, plotDict=plotDict, plotFuncs=plotFuncs, displayDict=displayDict) _configure_child_bundles(bundle) bundleList.append(bundle) # Set the runName for all bundles and return the bundleDict. for b in bundleList: b.setRunName(runName) return mb.makeBundlesDictFromList(bundleList)
[docs]def discoveryBatch(slicer, colmap=None, runName='opsim', detectionLosses='detection', metadata='', albedo=None, Hmark=None, npReduce=np.mean, times=None, constraint=None): if colmap is None: colmap = ColMapDict('opsimV4') bundleList = [] basicPlotDict = {'albedo': albedo, 'Hmark': Hmark, 'npReduce': npReduce, 'nxbins': 200, 'nybins': 200} plotFuncs = [plots.MetricVsH()] displayDict ={'group': 'Discovery'} if detectionLosses not in ('detection', 'trailing'): raise ValueError('Please choose detection or trailing as options for detectionLosses.') if detectionLosses == 'trailing': # These are the SNR-losses only. magStacker = stackers.MoMagStacker(lossCol='dmagTrail') detectionLosses = ' trailing loss' else: # This is SNR losses, plus additional loss due to detecting with stellar PSF. magStacker = stackers.MoMagStacker(lossCol='dmagDetect') detectionLosses = ' detection loss' if times is None: try: timestep = 30 times = np.arange(slicer.obs[colmap['mjd']].min(), slicer.obs[colmap['mjd']].max() + timestep/2, timestep) except AttributeError: raise warnings.warn('Cannot set times for completeness summary metrics. Will set up bundles, ' 'but without summary metrics.') if Hmark is None: Hval = slicer.Hrange.mean() else: Hval = Hmark # Set up the summary metrics. if times is not None: summaryTimeMetrics = summaryCompletenessAtTime(times, Hval=Hval, Hindex=0.33) else: summaryTimeMetrics = None summaryHMetrics = summaryCompletenessOverH(requiredChances=1, Hindex=0.33) # Set up a dictionary to pass to each metric for the column names. colkwargs = {'expMJDCol': colmap['mjd'], 'seeingCol': colmap['seeingGeom'], 'expTimeCol': colmap['exptime'], 'm5Col': colmap['fiveSigmaDepth'], 'nightCol': colmap['night'], 'filterCol': colmap['filter']} def _setup_child_metrics(parentMetric): childMetrics = {} childMetrics['Time'] = metrics.Discovery_TimeMetric(parentMetric, **colkwargs) childMetrics['N_Chances'] = metrics.Discovery_N_ChancesMetric(parentMetric, **colkwargs) # Could expand to add N_chances per year, but not really necessary. return childMetrics def _configure_child_bundles(parentBundle): dispDict = {'group': 'Discovery', 'subgroup': 'Time', 'caption': 'Time of discovery of objects', 'order': 0} parentBundle.childBundles['Time'].setDisplayDict(dispDict) parentBundle.childBundles['Time'].setSummaryMetrics(summaryTimeMetrics) dispDict = {'group': 'Discovery', 'subgroup': 'NChances', 'caption': 'Number of chances for discovery of objects', 'order': 0} parentBundle.childBundles['N_Chances'].setDisplayDict(dispDict) parentBundle.childBundles['N_Chances'].setSummaryMetrics(summaryHMetrics) return # First standard SNR / probabilistic visibility (SNR~5) # 3 pairs in 15 md = metadata + ' 3 pairs in 15 nights' + detectionLosses # Set up plot dict. plotDict = {'title': '%s: %s' % (runName, md)} plotDict.update(basicPlotDict) metric = metrics.DiscoveryMetric(nObsPerNight=2, tMin=0, tMax=90./60./24., nNightsPerWindow=3, tWindow=15, **colkwargs) childMetrics = _setup_child_metrics(metric) bundle = mb.MoMetricBundle(metric, slicer, constraint, stackerList=[magStacker], runName=runName, metadata=md, childMetrics=childMetrics, plotDict=plotDict, plotFuncs=plotFuncs, displayDict=displayDict) _configure_child_bundles(bundle) bundleList.append(bundle) # 3 pairs in 12 md = metadata + ' 3 pairs in 12 nights' + detectionLosses plotDict = {'title': '%s: %s' % (runName, md)} plotDict.update(basicPlotDict) metric = metrics.DiscoveryMetric(nObsPerNight=2, tMin=0, tMax=90. / 60. / 24., nNightsPerWindow=3, tWindow=12, **colkwargs) childMetrics = _setup_child_metrics(metric) bundle = mb.MoMetricBundle(metric, slicer, constraint, stackerList=[magStacker], runName=runName, metadata=md, childMetrics=childMetrics, plotDict=plotDict, plotFuncs=plotFuncs, displayDict=displayDict) _configure_child_bundles(bundle) bundleList.append(bundle) # 3 pairs in 20 md = metadata + ' 3 pairs in 20 nights' + detectionLosses plotDict = {'title': '%s: %s' % (runName, md)} plotDict.update(basicPlotDict) metric = metrics.DiscoveryMetric(nObsPerNight=2, tMin=0, tMax=90. / 60. / 24., nNightsPerWindow=3, tWindow=20, **colkwargs) childMetrics = _setup_child_metrics(metric) bundle = mb.MoMetricBundle(metric, slicer, constraint, stackerList=[magStacker], runName=runName, metadata=md, childMetrics=childMetrics, plotDict=plotDict, plotFuncs=plotFuncs, displayDict=displayDict) _configure_child_bundles(bundle) bundleList.append(bundle) # 3 pairs in 25 md = metadata + ' 3 pairs in 25 nights' + detectionLosses plotDict = {'title': '%s: %s' % (runName, md)} plotDict.update(basicPlotDict) metric = metrics.DiscoveryMetric(nObsPerNight=2, tMin=0, tMax=90. / 60. / 24., nNightsPerWindow=3, tWindow=25, **colkwargs) childMetrics = _setup_child_metrics(metric) bundle = mb.MoMetricBundle(metric, slicer, constraint, stackerList=[magStacker], runName=runName, metadata=md, childMetrics=childMetrics, plotDict=plotDict, plotFuncs=plotFuncs, displayDict=displayDict) _configure_child_bundles(bundle) bundleList.append(bundle) # 3 pairs in 30 md = metadata + ' 3 pairs in 30 nights' + detectionLosses plotDict = {'title': '%s: %s' % (runName, md)} plotDict.update(basicPlotDict) metric = metrics.DiscoveryMetric(nObsPerNight=2, tMin=0, tMax=90. / 60. / 24., nNightsPerWindow=3, tWindow=30, **colkwargs) childMetrics = _setup_child_metrics(metric) bundle = mb.MoMetricBundle(metric, slicer, constraint, stackerList=[magStacker], runName=runName, metadata=md, childMetrics=childMetrics, plotDict=plotDict, plotFuncs=plotFuncs, displayDict=displayDict) _configure_child_bundles(bundle) bundleList.append(bundle) # 4 pairs in 20 md = metadata + ' 4 pairs in 20 nights' + detectionLosses plotDict = {'title': '%s: %s' % (runName, md)} plotDict.update(basicPlotDict) metric = metrics.DiscoveryMetric(nObsPerNight=2, tMin=0, tMax=90. / 60. / 24., nNightsPerWindow=4, tWindow=20, **colkwargs) childMetrics = _setup_child_metrics(metric) bundle = mb.MoMetricBundle(metric, slicer, constraint, stackerList=[magStacker], runName=runName, metadata=md, childMetrics=childMetrics, plotDict=plotDict, plotFuncs=plotFuncs, displayDict=displayDict) _configure_child_bundles(bundle) bundleList.append(bundle) # 3 triplets in 30 md = metadata + ' 3 triplets in 30 nights' + detectionLosses plotDict = {'title': '%s: %s' % (runName, md)} plotDict.update(basicPlotDict) metric = metrics.DiscoveryMetric(nObsPerNight=3, tMin=0, tMax=120. / 60. / 24., nNightsPerWindow=3, tWindow=30, **colkwargs) childMetrics = _setup_child_metrics(metric) bundle = mb.MoMetricBundle(metric, slicer, constraint, stackerList=[magStacker], runName=runName, metadata=md, childMetrics=childMetrics, plotDict=plotDict, plotFuncs=plotFuncs, displayDict=displayDict) _configure_child_bundles(bundle) bundleList.append(bundle) # 3 quads in 30 md = metadata + ' 3 quads in 30 nights' + detectionLosses plotDict = {'title': '%s: %s' % (runName, md)} plotDict.update(basicPlotDict) metric = metrics.DiscoveryMetric(nObsPerNight=4, tMin=0, tMax=150. / 60. / 24., nNightsPerWindow=3, tWindow=30, **colkwargs) childMetrics = _setup_child_metrics(metric) bundle = mb.MoMetricBundle(metric, slicer, constraint, stackerList=[magStacker], runName=runName, metadata=md, childMetrics=childMetrics, plotDict=plotDict, plotFuncs=plotFuncs, displayDict=displayDict) _configure_child_bundles(bundle) bundleList.append(bundle) # Play with SNR. SNR=4. Normal detection losses. # 3 pairs in 15 md = metadata + ' 3 pairs in 15 nights SNR=4' + detectionLosses plotDict = {'title': '%s: %s' % (runName, md)} plotDict.update(basicPlotDict) metric = metrics.DiscoveryMetric(nObsPerNight=2, tMin=0, tMax=90. / 60. / 24., nNightsPerWindow=3, tWindow=15, snrLimit=4, **colkwargs) childMetrics = _setup_child_metrics(metric) bundle = mb.MoMetricBundle(metric, slicer, constraint, stackerList=[magStacker], runName=runName, metadata=md, childMetrics=childMetrics, plotDict=plotDict, plotFuncs=plotFuncs, displayDict=displayDict) _configure_child_bundles(bundle) bundleList.append(bundle) # 3 pairs in 30, SNR=4 md = metadata + ' 3 pairs in 30 nights SNR=4' + detectionLosses plotDict = {'title': '%s: %s' % (runName, md)} plotDict.update(basicPlotDict) metric = metrics.DiscoveryMetric(nObsPerNight=2, tMin=0, tMax=90. / 60. / 24., nNightsPerWindow=3, tWindow=30, snrLimit=4, **colkwargs) childMetrics = _setup_child_metrics(metric) bundle = mb.MoMetricBundle(metric, slicer, constraint, stackerList=[magStacker], runName=runName, metadata=md, childMetrics=childMetrics, plotDict=plotDict, plotFuncs=plotFuncs, displayDict=displayDict) _configure_child_bundles(bundle) bundleList.append(bundle) # Play with SNR. SNR=3 # 3 pairs in 15, SNR=3 md = metadata + ' 3 pairs in 15 nights SNR=3' + detectionLosses plotDict = {'title': '%s: %s' % (runName, md)} plotDict.update(basicPlotDict) metric = metrics.DiscoveryMetric(nObsPerNight=2, tMin=0, tMax=90. / 60. / 24., nNightsPerWindow=3, tWindow=15, snrLimit=3, **colkwargs) childMetrics = _setup_child_metrics(metric) bundle = mb.MoMetricBundle(metric, slicer, constraint, stackerList=[magStacker], runName=runName, metadata=md, childMetrics=childMetrics, plotDict=plotDict, plotFuncs=plotFuncs, displayDict=displayDict) _configure_child_bundles(bundle) bundleList.append(bundle) # SNR = 0 # 3 pairs in 15, SNR=0 md = metadata + ' 3 pairs in 15 nights SNR=0' + detectionLosses plotDict = {'title': '%s: %s' % (runName, md)} plotDict.update(basicPlotDict) metric = metrics.DiscoveryMetric(nObsPerNight=2, tMin=0, tMax=90. / 60. / 24., nNightsPerWindow=3, tWindow=15, snrLimit=0, **colkwargs) childMetrics = _setup_child_metrics(metric) bundle = mb.MoMetricBundle(metric, slicer, constraint, stackerList=[magStacker], runName=runName, metadata=md, childMetrics=childMetrics, plotDict=plotDict, plotFuncs=plotFuncs, displayDict=displayDict) _configure_child_bundles(bundle) bundleList.append(bundle) # Play with weird strategies. # Single detection. md = metadata + ' Single detection' + detectionLosses plotDict = {'title': '%s: %s' % (runName, md)} plotDict.update(basicPlotDict) metric = metrics.DiscoveryMetric(nObsPerNight=1, tMin=0, tMax=90. / 60. / 24., nNightsPerWindow=1, tWindow=5, **colkwargs) childMetrics = _setup_child_metrics(metric) bundle = mb.MoMetricBundle(metric, slicer, constraint, stackerList=[magStacker], runName=runName, metadata=md, childMetrics=childMetrics, plotDict=plotDict, plotFuncs=plotFuncs, displayDict=displayDict) _configure_child_bundles(bundle) bundleList.append(bundle) # Single pair of detections. md = metadata + ' Single pair' + detectionLosses plotDict = {'title': '%s: %s' % (runName, md)} plotDict.update(basicPlotDict) metric = metrics.DiscoveryMetric(nObsPerNight=2, tMin=0, tMax=90. / 60. / 24., nNightsPerWindow=1, tWindow=5, **colkwargs) childMetrics = _setup_child_metrics(metric) bundle = mb.MoMetricBundle(metric, slicer, constraint, stackerList=[magStacker], runName=runName, metadata=md, childMetrics=childMetrics, plotDict=plotDict, plotFuncs=plotFuncs, displayDict=displayDict) _configure_child_bundles(bundle) bundleList.append(bundle) # High velocity discovery. displayDict['subgroup'] = 'High Velocity' # High velocity. md = metadata + ' High velocity pair' + detectionLosses plotDict = {'title': '%s: %s' % (runName, md)} plotDict.update(basicPlotDict) metric = metrics.HighVelocityNightsMetric(psfFactor=2., nObsPerNight=2, **colkwargs) bundle = mb.MoMetricBundle(metric, slicer, constraint, stackerList=[magStacker], runName=runName, metadata=md, plotDict=plotDict, plotFuncs=plotFuncs, summaryMetrics=summaryTimeMetrics, displayDict=displayDict) bundleList.append(bundle) # "magic" detection - 6 in 60 days (at SNR=5). md = metadata + ' 6 detections in 60 nights' + detectionLosses plotDict = {'title': '%s: %s' % (runName, md)} plotDict.update(basicPlotDict) metric = metrics.MagicDiscoveryMetric(nObs=6, tWindow=60, **colkwargs) bundle = mb.MoMetricBundle(metric, slicer, constraint, stackerList=[magStacker], runName=runName, metadata=md, plotDict=plotDict, plotFuncs=plotFuncs, summaryMetrics=summaryHMetrics, displayDict=displayDict) bundleList.append(bundle) # Set the runName for all bundles and return the bundleDict. for b in bundleList: b.setRunName(runName) return mb.makeBundlesDictFromList(bundleList)
[docs]def characterizationBatch(slicer, colmap=None, runName='opsim', metadata='', albedo=None, Hmark=None, npReduce=np.mean, constraint=None, windows=None, bins=None): if colmap is None: colmap = ColMapDict('opsimV4') bundleList = [] # Set up a dictionary to pass to each metric for the column names. colkwargs = {'expMJDCol': colmap['mjd'], 'seeingCol': colmap['seeingGeom'], 'expTimeCol': colmap['exptime'], 'm5Col': colmap['fiveSigmaDepth'], 'nightCol': colmap['night'], 'filterCol': colmap['filter']} basicPlotDict = {'albedo': albedo, 'Hmark': Hmark, 'npReduce': npReduce, 'nxbins': 200, 'nybins': 200} plotFuncs = [plots.MetricVsH()] displayDict ={'group': 'Characterization'} if windows is None: windows = np.arange(1, 200, 15.) if bins is None: bins = np.arange(5, 95, 10.) # Number of observations. md = metadata plotDict = {'ylabel': 'Number of observations (#)', 'title': '%s: Number of observations %s' % (runName, md)} plotDict.update(basicPlotDict) metric = metrics.NObsMetric(**colkwargs) bundle = mb.MoMetricBundle(metric, slicer, constraint, runName=runName, metadata=md, plotDict=plotDict, plotFuncs=plotFuncs, summaryMetrics=None, displayDict=displayDict) bundleList.append(bundle) # Observational arc. md = metadata plotDict = {'ylabel': 'Observational Arc (days)', 'title': '%s: Observational Arc Length %s' % (runName, md)} plotDict.update(basicPlotDict) metric = metrics.ObsArcMetric(**colkwargs) bundle = mb.MoMetricBundle(metric, slicer, constraint, runName=runName, metadata=md, plotDict=plotDict, plotFuncs=plotFuncs, summaryMetrics=None, displayDict=displayDict) bundleList.append(bundle) # Activity detection. for w in windows: md = metadata + ' activity lasting %.0f days' % w plotDict = {'title': '%s: Chances of detecting %s' % (runName, md), 'ylabel': 'Probability of detection per %.0f day window' % w} metricName = 'Chances of detecting activity lasting %.0f days' % w metric = metrics.ActivityOverTimeMetric(w, metricName=metricName, **colkwargs) bundle = mb.MoMetricBundle(metric, slicer, constraint, runName=runName, metadata=metadata, plotDict=plotDict, plotFuncs=plotFuncs, displayDict=displayDict) bundleList.append(bundle) for b in bins: md = metadata + ' activity lasting %.2f of period' % (b/360.) plotDict = {'title': '%s: Chances of detecting %s' % (runName, md), 'ylabel': 'Probability of detection per %.2f deg window' % b} metricName = 'Chances of detecting activity lasting %.2f of the period' % (b/360.) metric = metrics.ActivityOverPeriodMetric(b, metricName=metricName, **colkwargs) bundle = mb.MoMetricBundle(metric, slicer, constraint, runName=runName, metadata=metadata, plotDict=plotDict, plotFuncs=plotFuncs, displayDict=displayDict) bundleList.append(bundle) # Lightcurve inversion. md = metadata plotDict = {'yMin': 0, 'yMax': 1, 'ylabel': 'Fraction of objects', 'title': '%s: Fraction with potential lightcurve inversion %s' % (runName, md)} plotDict.update(basicPlotDict) metric = metrics.LightcurveInversionMetric(snrLimit=20, nObs=100, nDays=5*365, **colkwargs) bundle = mb.MoMetricBundle(metric, slicer, constraint, runName=runName, metadata=md, plotDict=plotDict, plotFuncs=plotFuncs, summaryMetrics=None, displayDict=displayDict) bundleList.append(bundle) # Color determination. snrLimit = 10 nHours = 2.0 nPairs = 1 md = metadata + ' u-g color' plotDict = {'label': md, 'title': '%s: Fraction with potential u-g color measurement %s' % (runName, md)} plotDict.update(basicPlotDict) metric = metrics.ColorDeterminationMetric(nPairs=nPairs, snrLimit=snrLimit, nHours=nHours, bOne='u', bTwo='g', **colkwargs) bundle = mb.MoMetricBundle(metric, slicer, constraint, runName=runName, metadata=md, plotDict=plotDict, plotFuncs=plotFuncs, summaryMetrics=None, displayDict=displayDict) bundleList.append(bundle) md = metadata + ' g-r color' plotDict = {'label': md, 'title': '%s: Fraction with potential g-r color measurement %s' % (runName, md)} plotDict.update(basicPlotDict) metric = metrics.ColorDeterminationMetric(nPairs=nPairs, snrLimit=snrLimit, nHours=nHours, bOne='g', bTwo='r', **colkwargs) bundle = mb.MoMetricBundle(metric, slicer, constraint, runName=runName, metadata=md, plotDict=plotDict, plotFuncs=plotFuncs, summaryMetrics=None, displayDict=displayDict) bundleList.append(bundle) md = metadata + ' r-i color' plotDict = {'label': md, 'title': '%s: Fraction with potential r-i color measurement %s' % (runName, md)} plotDict.update(basicPlotDict) metric = metrics.ColorDeterminationMetric(nPairs=nPairs, snrLimit=snrLimit, nHours=nHours, bOne='r', bTwo='i', **colkwargs) bundle = mb.MoMetricBundle(metric, slicer, constraint, runName=runName, metadata=md, plotDict=plotDict, plotFuncs=plotFuncs, summaryMetrics=None, displayDict=displayDict) bundleList.append(bundle) md = metadata + ' i-z color' plotDict = {'label': md, 'title': '%s: Fraction with potential i-z color measurement %s' % (runName, md)} plotDict.update(basicPlotDict) metric = metrics.ColorDeterminationMetric(nPairs=nPairs, snrLimit=snrLimit, nHours=nHours, bOne='i', bTwo='z', **colkwargs) bundle = mb.MoMetricBundle(metric, slicer, constraint, runName=runName, metadata=md, plotDict=plotDict, plotFuncs=plotFuncs, summaryMetrics=None, displayDict=displayDict) bundleList.append(bundle) md = metadata + ' z-y color' plotDict = {'label': md, 'title': '%s: Fraction with potential z-y color measurement %s' % (runName, md)} plotDict.update(basicPlotDict) metric = metrics.ColorDeterminationMetric(nPairs=nPairs, snrLimit=snrLimit, nHours=nHours, bOne='z', bTwo='y', **colkwargs) bundle = mb.MoMetricBundle(metric, slicer, constraint, runName=runName, metadata=md, plotDict=plotDict, plotFuncs=plotFuncs, summaryMetrics=None, displayDict=displayDict) bundleList.append(bundle) # Set the runName for all bundles and return the bundleDict. for b in bundleList: b.setRunName(runName) return mb.makeBundlesDictFromList(bundleList)